Our Partners
Griffin is proud to partner with organizations dedicated to improving accessibility and equity in our communities. We work closely with these like-minded organizations to advocate for the underserved populations with our combined capabilities.
Interested in becoming a partner? Get in touch today!
Women, Mintority, & Veteran Business Community
The Amalgamation
From founder Kristin N. Williams, Ph.D.:
"The Amalgamation is a collective of small disadvantaged businesses banding together to overcome the common hurdles and promote equitable partnerships in government contracting.
We convert random rows on a vendor spreadsheet to a community of mentors and collaborators. We help smalls identify opportunities, find proposal partners, and avoid predatory behavior."
Learn more about The Amalgamation
Service Dog Training Organizations
Dogs Downtown
From the Dogs Downtown website:
"Our focus is on training dogs that will be good citizens in the home and out in the world, off and on-leash, whether that be as a pet, a therapy dog, or a service dog. The foundation for well behaved dogs is helping owners understand what their dog needs and is trying to communicate to them with their body language and behavior. Our trainers' proven methods focus on educating the owners and the dogs so that they can have a better relationship and reach their training goals!"
Fidos for Freedom
The mission of Fidos for Freedom is:
"to enhance the quality of life for persons with mobility impairments, hearing loss, veterans with PTSD by providing certified Assistance Dogs and to provide Therapy Dog support and comfort to people in healthcare/educational settings. [They] also provide Community/Public Service for youth between the ages 12-17 in [the] Junior Program."
Learn more about Fidos for Freedom. Watch Griffin's webinar with Fidos for Freedom - "What people with service dogs want you to know."
Emergency Management Industry
Epicenter Innovation
From Epicenter Innivation's social media profile:
"At Epicenter Innovation, we are a unique team that is changing how the public safety and emergency management industries approach technology.
We are diverse, with core competencies ranging from comprehensive emergency management and cybersecurity to marketing and community engagement. With these seemingly disparate skillsets, we approach challenges collaboratively, provide an enhanced perspective, and utilize a different set of tools than traditional emergency managers."
Institute for Diversity and Inclusion In Emergency Management (I-DIEM)
From the I-DIEM Co-founders:
"I-DIEM was co-founded by Chauncia Willis and Curtis Brown, emergency management practitioners with many years of experience at all levels of government and the private sector. They have experienced the damaging impacts caused by a lack of diversity and inclusion first-hand, and they have been privy to many of the disproportionately biased policy and funding decisions that have negatively affected underserved communities. I-DIEM was established out of a defined need, validated by scientific research, for professional parity for women and people of color and other marginalized groups in the field of emergency management."