Griffin provides a wide range of services for individuals and large organizations alike. Click each heading below for a detailed description of what we offer and some examples of our work.
Griffin consultants will teach you how to prepare your community, business, or organization for all types of hazards. Emergency preparedness done well, particularly for high-risk and vulnerable communities, enhances resilience and makes recovery faster.
Vulnerability assessment
Risk assessment
Capability assessment
Gap analysis
Social cohesion development
Community empowerment
Social vulnerability
Gap Analysis
For those with access and functional needs
Griffin consultants will guide you in establishing a robust, coordinated plans to protect employees, families, communities, and any other target population for which your organization or jurisdiction is responsible.
Recovery and resilience
Response strategy
Emergency operations
Gap Analysis
For those with access and functional needs
Continuity of operations
Strategic planning
Resource management
Strategic National Stockpile
Griffin consultants develop one-of-a-kind, inclusive training for all your emergency management and response needs. Some training is available to the public via Eventbrite, check it out!
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and best practices during response operations
Plan implementation
Plan writing
Policies and procedures
Resource tracking and management
Leadership development
Training for:
First responders
Elected officials
Governmental, private, and non-profit staff
Whole community partners
Griffin consultants facilitate implementation of a range of plans and polices.
Policy writing
Doctrine development
Standard operating procedures
Mutual aid agreements
Strategic plans
Implementation plans
After-action improvement plans
Grant management
Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Cooperative Agreement and Public Health Emergency Response Grant
Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP)