Griffin leverages emergency management and social vulnerability expertise to deliver critical training for public and private organizations. Training programs enable organizations to better serve diverse populations in daily interactions and times of crisis. Our highly-acclaimed training programs empower clients to become more inclusive in their practices and ultimately stronger in the face of ever-increasing hazards.
Discover Pawsitive Interactions with Service Dogs During Response Operations ©, a one-of-a-kind, audience-customized training that breaks down barriers by providing hands-on handling training and demonstrations with working service dogs and key information about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Griffin's LGBTQ+ cultural competency training, featuring Trans/Humanity: Body Autonomy and Homeland Security, empowers first responders, emergency managers, and healthcare workers with the tools and best practices they need to foster constructive interactions with this diverse population - even in emergencies.
Disasters and incidents are becoming increasingly common due to climate change, political instability, discrimination, and many other factors. Griffin's trainers will work with your to organization to teach staff how to improve preparedness build resilience, ensure continuity of operations, and effectively respond.